EAN 1901180785697
intense movement, ski mountaineering, mountaineering, nature walks, hiking,
1.00 g
volume weight
0.00 g
climate conditions
made by Luhačovice
production in our workshop in Luhačovice
transport is free
FREE SHIPPING on orders of 100 € or more
vapour permeable
vapour permeable material, "breathes" away from the body
wind resistant
does not blow
water resistant
waterproof according to the water column
Hydrophobic Extreme
water repellent finish
ptfe free
without the use of non-organic fluorine
Lightweight 3L fabric with high vapour permeability.
Why FARAMUGO? Premium quality at a reasonable price, functional Nanomembrane® materials, 100% Czech production
, tailor-made and lifetime service.
Why FARAMUGO? Premium quality at a reasonable price, functional Nanomembrane® materials, 100% Czech production
Lightweight and minimalist Nanomembrane® jacket.
Designed for demanding physical activities where the weight of your gear matters and you sweat.
Backup or peak in the mountains. For runners, cyclists, scooter riders. For cross-country skiing and alpine skiing.
Simply, for all-season use. Where we expend a lot of energy and prefer to "breathe" with a jacket.
The Buurta is lightweight, yet has everything you need.
It is also designed for backpacking.
Collapsible into a small volume. Waterproof, highly vapour permeable and windproof.
SHZ waterproof zippers. The main zipper is covered by a flap and is 2 way waterproof. According to your needs, you can regulate the heat dissipation from the body and increase the feeling of comfort when wearing.
The collar provides solid protection for the chin and neck.
Elasticated sleeves around the wrists.
The jacket has no ventilation holes (the membrane does not need them due to its properties).
The drawstring helps when rolling up so that the hood does not "flop" on the back.
The back is completed with a reflective paspul and the logos are made with reflective print.
External strap for hanging the jacket.
Extended back, with elastic at the sides.
2 hand pockets, 1 outer left chest pocket for small items. Pockets have WR zip fastening.
Hood with reinforced visor with adjustment in 3 places.
Of course, we fully tape the seams, we do not sew the so-called waterproof thread.
Want to know more?
Tip. Try looking here at the configurator and you can have the jacket in the colours of your own imagination.
Designed for demanding physical activities where the weight of your gear matters and you sweat.
Backup or peak in the mountains. For runners, cyclists, scooter riders. For cross-country skiing and alpine skiing.
Simply, for all-season use. Where we expend a lot of energy and prefer to "breathe" with a jacket.
The Buurta is lightweight, yet has everything you need.
It is also designed for backpacking.
Collapsible into a small volume. Waterproof, highly vapour permeable and windproof.
SHZ waterproof zippers. The main zipper is covered by a flap and is 2 way waterproof. According to your needs, you can regulate the heat dissipation from the body and increase the feeling of comfort when wearing.
The collar provides solid protection for the chin and neck.
Elasticated sleeves around the wrists.
The jacket has no ventilation holes (the membrane does not need them due to its properties).
The drawstring helps when rolling up so that the hood does not "flop" on the back.
The back is completed with a reflective paspul and the logos are made with reflective print.
External strap for hanging the jacket.
Extended back, with elastic at the sides.
2 hand pockets, 1 outer left chest pocket for small items. Pockets have WR zip fastening.
Hood with reinforced visor with adjustment in 3 places.
Of course, we fully tape the seams, we do not sew the so-called waterproof thread.
Want to know more?
Tip. Try looking here at the configurator and you can have the jacket in the colours of your own imagination.
Czech Nanomembrane® material, 3-layer, 100% PL. The membrane can withstand high and extremely low temperatures, washing and mechanical stress.
Weight 115 g/m2, vapour permeability Ret 3,2 Pa.m2.W-1, MVTR 40.000, water resistance 22.000 mm.
Oleophobicity 8/8, water repellency 5/5 - PFC free, HYDROPHOBIC EXTREME finish.
Environmentally friendly production, without water and PTFE. Which reduces the need for washing and extends the life of the product.
Seams are glued with narrow 13 mm Bemis English tape.
Weight 320 g (size L).
Materials are OEKO-TEX®Standard 100 certified. For the user this means a guarantee of quality and a safe product for human health.
We use recycled PES and PAD without the use of banned PFCs incl. DWR surface treatment with long-lasting effectiveness.
Weight 115 g/m2, vapour permeability Ret 3,2 Pa.m2.W-1, MVTR 40.000, water resistance 22.000 mm.
Oleophobicity 8/8, water repellency 5/5 - PFC free, HYDROPHOBIC EXTREME finish.
Environmentally friendly production, without water and PTFE. Which reduces the need for washing and extends the life of the product.
Seams are glued with narrow 13 mm Bemis English tape.
Weight 320 g (size L).
Materials are OEKO-TEX®Standard 100 certified. For the user this means a guarantee of quality and a safe product for human health.
We use recycled PES and PAD without the use of banned PFCs incl. DWR surface treatment with long-lasting effectiveness.
Payment by bank transfer | 0 € |
Payment by bank transfer and payment gateway | 0 € |
- Within the EU we send via PPL, Packeta
- Up to a purchase value of 100,- € we send to the dispatch boxes for 6,- €
You do not pay shipping from a purchase value of € 100,- to the dispatch boxes
You do not pay shipping from the value of € 250,- to the specified address
- Na Slovensko posíláme přes PPL a Zásilkovnu
- Do hodnoty nákupu 80,- € posíláme do výdejních boxů za 4,- €
- Do hodnoty nákupu 220,- € posíláme na zadanou adresu za 6,- €
- Dopravu neplatíte od hodnoty nákupu 80,- € do výdejních boxů
- Dopravu neplatíte od hodnoty 220,- € na zadanou adresu
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Lehká bunda Buurta
Od firmy Faramugo mám na míru upravenou bundu na zimní běhání. Opravdu zimní, běhám v ní, když je tak -5 a méně. Bunda je prodyšná, krásně drží teplo a člověk se v ní nepotí. Firma mi vyšla vstříc i co se týká barvy, nutně jsem potřebovala bílou. Bunda je naprosto bezkonkurenční na dlouhé zimní běhy.A protože jsem s bundou nadmíru spokojená, dala jsem šanci i jejich merino trikům. Už v nich běhám druhým rokem a v zimě jiné triko jako spodní vrstvu nechci. A v současnosti jejich trika už nosí i nejmladší dcera na zimní atletické tréninky, nejdřív si je ode mě začala půjčovat, ale protože nevracela - jiná trika už odmítala, musela jsem doplnit zásobu i pro ni.
Buurta šedá
S bundou jsem velmi spokojen. Kdyby nebyla, nevím, co bych do přírody nosil.
Buurty na Madeiře
„Konečně jsme měli možnost vyzkoušet bundy v plné parádě na deštivé a větrné Madeiře. Vydržely i křest vichřicí, která nás uprostřed našeho putování potkala. Podcházeli jsme vodopády a zdolávali vrcholky hor. Naprosto skvělá odolnost proti vodě (nebýt takové voděodolnosti, tak máme možná i po fotoaparátech) a super vydržela i proti větru (90 Km/h). Spousta lidí nám bundy chválila, tak odkazujeme na vás. Faramugo totiž šije pro člověka a ne pro lidi :). Už se těšíme, až je znovu vytáhneme na další putování po Albánii a Arménii“.
„připojuji fotky z Triglavu a ze Zugspitze, kde jsem s ní byla taktéž spokojená. Prostě a jednoduše, kamkoliv ji s sebou beru. 4 roční období. V zimě běžky a zbytek roku, koloběžka, hory, výlety. Vždy při mně a můžu se na ni 100% spolehnout. Ježíšek je pro letošní rok pro manžela jasný ????. Jinak já sama k bundě přišla tak, že jsem ji vyhrála na koloběžkových závodech Bratislava - Vídeň. 2018. Vaši značku jsem neznala a teď ji chválím, kudy chodím“.

Czech materials Nanomembrane
- as the 1st in the world we sew from nanomembrane fabrics
- light, soft and highly vapor permeable fabrics
- jackets flexible and waterproof, wear well
- interesting colors according to ISPO trends, without the use of PFC